stages pt 1

When I was a young girl, 13 or so, I started reading blogs. My older sister and her friends had standard blogs about their lives, accented with lots of pictures. I guess it was their version of Instagram, before Instagram was a thing. 
I moved from those blogs written by family friends, to bookish blogs written by virtual strangers. And yet they seemed like the girls I knew; they were homeschoolers who loved books and Pride and Prejudice.
I followed two or three bloggers for multiple years, and through them, I discovered the online community of writers. Which was a whole new world, haha. But I loved it. I had found an atmosphere of writers who all gloried and reveled and even struggled with writing out their brilliant ideas. And that was chicken soup for my young dreams. 
I told my best friend about the blogs I read, and she started reading a few of them too. We both decided that we wanted to start our own blogs. and we did. A few years apart(i'm kind of a late bloomer in a lot of things.) but we did. (Amaris- The Storybook Journal)
And here we are. Here I am. 
I've wanted to start a blog since I started reading my older sister's, years ago. But I've changed quite a bit since then. For one thing, I don't post the kind of content I was originally planning on, haha. 
I had lots of ideas for posts about books, movies, my favorite characters, and then about my work with horses. 
But a blank page staring at you staring at it turns out to be kinda intimidating. 
"What was I going to write about again?"
"Why am I writing about that?"
"Get to the point, girlfriend."
All that to say, I'm at a loss of what to write about. (haha)  I have a lot of ideas, and then I don't. I wanted to write about writing; about my projects and how they're going and what they're about. But how? How do I begin?

I don't know, haha. The above picture of high desert that I found on Pinterest reminds me of my brain during my blogging time. 
But there is still growth there. Still ideas. Maybe I'll bring back some of my old ideas and do a list of my favorite books. Or songs, to spice things up. We'll see. 

What kind of blogs/posts do you enjoy reading? 

see you soon, friends 


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