The Greatest Showman Book Tag

 SO the lovely Amaris of The Storybook Journal tagged me for this Greatest Showman book tag, and while I have not seen the movie yet(a promise is a promise, and I promised to wait.) I have heard the soundtrack, and gotten the gist of it all. We should be good. *insert thumbs up emoji*  Thank you, Amaris!!

The Greatest Show: Name a book that's as entertaining as a circus.
The Westing Game, by Ellen Raskin. I first read this book when I was nine, and enjoyed it so much that I wore my sister's copy to tatters and rips. This book is described as a "puzzle book", and it really is. It's a mystery, with all the necessities of mystery story; hilarious mishaps, dastardly deeds, loose ends, and murder, of course. Appropriate for a nine-year-old, and still rip-roaring ten years later!

A Million Dreams: Name a book that's set in a fantastical world.
 Spindle's End, by Robin McKinley. It's a Sleeping Beauty retelling, told in an amazingly creative way. This Aurora has a PERSONALITY, let me tell you. 
Come Alive: Name a book that makes you outrageously happy.
The Golden Name Day, by Jennie D. Lindquist. I have never found this book at any library or bookstore, and no one I've talked to has ever heard of it before. My copy of it was my mom's when she was a child, so it is naturally very old. It's about a girl who spends a year with a Swedish family, and learns all about their lovely ways of life. It's a hugely aesthetic story. I always loved it when I was little, and just thinking about it makes me smile.
The Other Side: Name a book that changed your mind about something.
 Kenobi, by John Jackson Miller. I had been convinced that Obi-wan Kenobi sat in the desert and wasted away for 19 years. I was wrong. This book changed my mind. AND SO DID THE NEW STAR WARS MOVIE. 

Never Enough: Name a book that you've re-read more than once.
Crazy Love, by Francis Chan. If you're a Christian, especially a Christian teenager, you should read this book. This man is extremely gifted, and he writes the truth. The truth is that there are a lot of luke-warm Christians in the world, and God does not want them. We need to have faith that is on fire. 

This is Me: Name a book with a character that reminds you of yourself.
Miracles On Maple Hill, by Virginia Sorenson. This is another childhood favorite. This one is really ingrained into me because, I think, that Marly and I are very similar. She's optimistic, loyal, enthusiastic, a little scatter-brained, imaginative, and in love with beauty. I find myself very much like her.

Tightrope: Name a book with an adventurous main character.
I wanted to say Jaron, from the Ascendance Trilogy, but Amaris already said that. So I'm going to go with the next best thing; The Scourge, by Jennifer Nielson. Ani, the main character, is a lot like Sage. She's impetuous, intelligent, and unafraid to insult people. :D She's also very strong, and ready to take on anything. Also, can I just say, Weevil was the absolute best part of this book.

From Now On: Name a book with a wonderful family (related or otherwise)
The Chronicles of Narnia. I just love the Pevensies. They're true family; they pick on each other, they don't always believe each other, they're rude at times...but they're family. They will fight to the death for each other, and they love each other fiercely. I also love how when Eustace started shaping up, they pulled him in, and then they adopted Jill, too. And "Aunt Polly" and the Professor. Not even mentioning all the Narnians that they fell in love with and thought of as family. The Beavers, Mr. Tumnus, Caspian, Puddleglum. I just love the Pevensies. It broke my heart when Susan became separated from them, but I haven't given up hope. I believe that in the end, she did come around, and she believed the Truth.

And that wraps up this post!! Amaris, thank you again for tagging me. And who shall I tag...? I tag 
The Blogger That Is Currently Reading This.

If you're reading this post and haven't yet done this tag, but would like to, please do! 

And so, goodnight. 


  1. Yes! Ahh crazy love is amazing ❤

  2. I really enjoyed reading your entries to the tag, Tessa!! Surprisingly, I’ve only read two out of all of the books you mentioned! I will have to add some of these to my reading list. Especially the one about the Swedish family.
    Glad you enjoyed the tag!!

    1. Thanks, Amaris!
      Well, most of these are really old family books that I grew up reading, so I'm not surprised. :D
      Yeah, The Golden Name Day was my aesthetic before I even knew what aesthetic was.
      Thank you again!


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